Backwoods Pie |
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Backwoods Pie


  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup maple syrup
  • One-half cup sweet milk
  • 3 eggs, separated
  • Nutmeg (grated) to taste
  • Butter the size of an egg
  • One 9-inch pie crust


  • Cream the butter and combine with the brown sugar, maple syrup, milk and egg yolks, in a bowl and mix well. Beat the egg whites to soft peaks and fold into the syrup mixture. Pour into unbaked piecrust and bake in a 350 F oven until firm.
  • Wax on Snow A favorite during sugaring season. Along with this sweet, sticky treat, we ate crunchy dill pickles in order to cut the maple sweetness so we could eat even more! One and one-half cups maple syrup
  • Dishpan of clean, fresh snow
  • Bring the syrup to boil and heat to 240 F. Drizzle it over the fresh, clean snow. Eat it by twirling around forks or Popsicle sticks.

Recipe Details
